RoboWreckersVR gameplay trailer

Going over my idea/developing process, issues and any add-ons for the future.

My VR game and the progress of it so far. I need to work on the lighting and the physics of the hammer. The materials used are temporary and might be changed. I made every object/animation you see from scratch.

My VR game and the progress of it so far. Made and scripted a shipping container to fly down and spawn a temporary game object and scripted that to move towards its target. The materials used are temporary and might be changed. I made every object/animation you see from scratch.

Made two different types of enemy game objects, along with animations, particle effects and lighting from their eyes. Scripted the shipping container to spawn one of the two randomly. The materials used are temporary and might be changed. I made every object/animation you see from scratch.

Scripted the Robos to explode on impact and have all their parts fly apart. Physics were also added to the Robo parts. Added an explosion particle when the Robos are destroyed. Scripted the shipping container's propellers to slow down when it lands. Robo logo has been updated. Added sound effects and music. The materials used might be changed. I made every object/animation you see from scratch. Sound effects and explosion particle were downloaded from the Unity Asset Store and online. Music by HeatleyBros

Added a new weapon: Hammer Crate. Scripted Hammer Crates to spawn other hammers, upon impact, which rain on nearby enemies. Made planks of wood fly out as well as smoke and sound effects. Used the XR Grab Interactable component to make the crowbar detach from the side of the crate and into the hands of the player's hands. Made a logo for the hammer factory. The materials used might be changed. I made every object/animation you see from scratch. Sound effects and particles were downloaded from the Unity Asset Store and online. Music by HeatleyBros

Added a new weapon: Homing Hammer. Made the Homing Hammer to show a XR Ray Interactor when held. If the ray highlights an enemy unit and the player presses the grip button, the enemy unit gets pinged as a target. When the homing hammer is thrown, it will then seek out that target. Made an animation for the homing fins. They come out when the hammer is held. Added sound when the hammer is launched Made a target symbol and made it animate when highlighting an enemy unit. It also makes a sound when the enemy is pinged. The materials used might be changed. I made every object/animation you see from scratch. Sound effects and particles were downloaded from the Unity Asset Store and online. Music by HeatleyBros

Added a new enemy unit: Robo C Sniper. Scripted the Robo C Sniper to stay at a distance, spawn/fire missiles, and scripted the missile to head to the conveyor belt. The materials used might be changed. I made every object/animation you see from scratch. Sound effects and particles were downloaded from the Unity Asset Store and online. Music by HeatleyBros

Added a new enemy unit: Robo Tank Scripted the Robo Tank to be destroyed after 3 hits of any hammer. Also scripted it to start swinging its arm when it gets to a certain distance from its target. Added a metallic sound effect and particle effect whenever it gets hit by a hammer. The materials used might be changed. I made every object/animation you see from scratch. Sound effects and particles were downloaded from the Unity Asset Store and online. Music by HeatleyBros

Added the Conveyor Belt's health bar Designed and animated the health bar as well as scripted it to display the health the conveyor belt has left. Also added sound effects and particles when the enemy attacks the conveyor belt. The materials used might be changed. I made every object/animation you see from scratch. Sound effects and particles were downloaded from the Unity Asset Store and online. Music by HeatleyBros

Introducing new weapon: Repair Hammer Made it so when the conveyor belt's health bar gets completely depleted, it will be game over. This prompts the Robos to stop attacking and celebrate. Created the Repair Hammer to refill the conveyor belt's health bar when thrown at it. The cross on the Repair Hammer also lights up when held and explodes with heart particles on impact. The materials used might be changed. I made every object/animation you see from scratch. Sound effects and particles were downloaded from the Unity Asset Store and online. Music by HeatleyBros

Updated the monitor with the life bar to show what wave the player is in as well as how much time the current wave has left. Added a 3D UI menu for whenever you either get game over or win the game. Included music for the game over/victory sequence. The materials used might be changed. I made every object/animation you see from scratch. Sound effects and particles were downloaded from the Unity Asset Store and online. Music by HeatleyBros